Side A: | |
1. Whisky River 3:27 | |
2. Rocking Man 5:26 | |
3. Rolling Home Again 1:47 | |
4. Make Me Happy 2:38 | |
5. Hot As A Docker's Armpit 5:54 | |
- | |
Side B: | |
1. Drugstore Woman 3:14 | |
2. Bottled 1:58 | |
3. Young Is A World 8:14 | |
4. Stranded 6:18 | |
Winylowe wznowienie drugiego albumu zespołu, na którym znalazły się
takie utwory, jak choćby singlowy "Whisky River", potężny i
"oryginalnie" zatytułowany "Hot As A Docker's Armpit" (Żar jak spod
pachy dokera) czy wspaniały, hinotyczny "Young Is A World".
songs written and arranged by Bourge, Shelley, Phillips
Burke Shelley - Bass and Vocals
Tony Bourge - Lead Guitar,
Acoustic Guitar and Vocal
Ray Phillips - Drums
by Rodger Bain for Hummingbird Productions
Recorded at Rockfield
Studios, South Wales
Photograph: Richard Sacks
Designed and Drawn
by Roger Dean