1. Spiel 3:30 | |
2. Merrik's Meditations - Joseph Carey Merrick "Elephant Man"(1862-1890) 3:49 | |
3. Introducing Prodigies 0:52 | |
4. Brother "J" - Jean And Jacques Libbera (1884-1936) 3:18 | |
5. Me And Me - Eng And Chang Bunker (1811-1874) 3:01 | |
6. Clementine's Song - Clementine Delait "Femme A Barbe" (1865-1939) 2:31 | |
7. Double Doom - Vincent Mc Doom 4:42 | |
8. Conversation Piece 3:54 | |
9. Hail 2 The Hound Man! - Fedor Jeftichew "Jojo The Dog Faced Boy" (1868-1904) 3:03 | |
10. Delphine's Angels - Delphine Censier 3:13 | |
11. Elephant People 4:05 | |
12. Pretty Lads - Slow Motion 2007 5:24 | |
13. Clementine's Words 4:01 | |